Δευτέρα 20 Μαΐου 2013

Spain: Thousands marched for Public Health in Madrid

http://eagainst.com | 20/05/2013 

More than 60,000 health workers and citizens marched yesterday in the streets of Madrid, rejecting privatization attempts, dismantling and Public Health cuts.

Among the attendees has been the general secretary of the CCOO union Madrid, Rosa Square, who opposed privatization, claiming that the regional government disregards the opinion of its citizens by not taking into account the outcome of consultation that took place last week. The secretary of UGT, Mari Carmen Medranda, has called the president of the Community, Ignacio Gonzalez, not to sell public health and defend universal health care. The protesters also denounced ‘the corrupt process’ according which politicians sell off public services to big corporations.

So far, this has been the fifth consecutive protest against the privatisation of the capital’s health services since the start of the year, backed by CCOO and UGT, the radical United Left party and anarcho-syndicalist trade unions, against the Neoliberal plans of the Popular Party.

The demonstration has started from the square of Neptune at 12.00 and finished at 14.00 in the Puerta del Sol, where a manifesto in defense of Madrid’s health system was read.

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